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Benefit from the expertise of a global community of more than 40,000 small business owners

Work on Your Own Terms, Wherever and Whenever You Choose

Gain Exclusive Access to our World-Class, Proprietary System

Start your own business in just two weeks with only a laptop and internet connection


Accelerate Your Success with Exclusive Access to One-on-One Mentoring

Why Use Our System?

Hi! My name is Vangie Kramers.

I am a wife, Mom and Grandmom living in The Netherlands.

Back home in the Philippines, I worked full-time, owned traditional businesses and joined few marketing companies that took huge amount of time and resources before gaining revenues.

The lessons I learned from those business endeavours helped me build a successful career in the corporates when we moved to The Netherlands. I did like the jobs that I had but the office politics and monthly sales targets were draining my energy.

I was exhausted!

became a Zumba Instructor in 2014 and left the corporate world.

I am blessed to live a semi-retired life enjoying the family and my passion in fitness & dancing but I am always open to new business opportunities with few things in mind: 

• A business that I can do from anywhere 

• A business that I can teach and pass on to my children 

• A business that can be done by starters, no previous experience or not tech-savvy like me 

• A business that has a proven effective system 

• Most of all, does not require salesy tactics 

I found this Digital Business that has all the features that I want. 

I did my due diligence and have found a community of business owners consisting of: 

• Mothers making good income from home while caring for young children 

• Couples spending quality time not worrying about the bills 

• Young adults buying their first house, their first car, some quitting their jobs 

• Families reuniting with their aging parents 

• Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) coming home for good because of the income from Digital Business 

I'm inviting you to join our global community of thousands of everyday people who have decided to switch it up and become digital business owners because they wanted more freedom and flexibility and they recognized the amazing potential of this business!

Helping people runs in my blood and I am here to show you your options.

You deserve better! 

Vangie Kramers

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*As with any business, results will vary and cannot be guaranteed.

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